Cathy C. Bennett Marriage Family Therapist
I began my career serving SF Bay area families as a teacher, specializing in learning disabilities, ADHD, & the emotional and behavioral problems of children & adolescents. In private practice as a licensed psychotherapist since 1990, I currently work with children, adolescents, couples & individuals with issues related to emotional health/well being, relationship matters, academic, career & lifestyle challenges.
My professional background & training blends the complimentary functions of traditional psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, psycho-education, mediation & personal coaching to engage clients in self determined change. Utilizing a range of theoretic modalities, therapeutic tools and clinical strategies keeps the work client centered, strengths based, and culturally competent. I am featured on the Contra Costa County TV series, “Get Ready, Get Healthy” with regard to my work with PTSD. I am also featured on the Marin County Public TV series, “Healing From the Ground Up”, on the show, “Animals as Healers” which highlights my work with certified Therapy Pets.
“Maggie” is my Certified Therapy Dog, who accompanies me whenever the affection and calming attention of a playful & gentle animal is appropriate. Together, Maggie & I provide services to SF Bay area hospitals, schools, juvenile facilities and the Contra Costa County Department of Mental Health.